School Calendar

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Children of the Dust Project

Mr. G's class is piloting a Social Studies unit called The Children of the Dust. It covers the period in American history when people from the midwestern states affected by the the Dust Bowl were migrating west to find work. It also happens to coincide with The Great Depression, the election of Franklin Roosevelt as president, and much more.

Our class has been studying this period in history and is now at a point where they will begin putting projects together tat will display their knowledge. Some will do this in a traditional cardboard display board and others will create their presentations using Powerpoint.

We are finishing the one page essays today and tomorrow--October 28-29th.

Next week the timelines will be due.

The final products will be presented to the class later in November. Look for photos of their work on this blog.

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