School Calendar

Monday, September 20, 2010

La Venture Field Trip

Our 5th and 6th graders will be heading over to La Venture Middle School to hear a demonstration of musical instruments and a short concert by the bands at La Venture.

If your 5th or 6th grader would like to take up a band instrument, this would be the best time to look into which instrument they'd like to play and how you might go about getting an instrument for them.

The band program has a few instruments available but the availability is VERY limited. It is best to look into the lease/purchase programs available at local music stores. Or, perhaps a neighbor or relative has an instrument you can borrow. They are also available in want ads some times.

We will go to La Venture at 1:00 and return about 2:00. Please see that your child's permission form is returned to school in time for the field trip.

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